Blue Rooms in the hotel are extra large king size rooms in ebony color bed and Rajasthani sitting arrangements, beautifully decorated art arches. The bathrooms are Blue/White in color with modern fittings. The rooms are fully furnished and well maintained.
The rooms have been made keeping in mind the traditional designs and architectures. It seems like the combination of the world has been restored in each of the rooms. The rooms displays a picture of completeness and beauty, with its beautiful furniture and looks. The Blue rooms contains original furnishings and fixtures . The specially designed and handcrafted trappings create a distinctive mood for each room.
Each room has been individually styled and has a unique layout. Embellished with exquisite floral designs on the ceilings, floors and walls adds more to the beauty of the rooms. The feeling of the royal sumptuous is given in the touch of mattresses and bolsters occupying a section of the room.
The exquisite designs and craftsmanship of the fittings and furniture have been created by well known designers, sculptors and artist Ram Ratan Sharm. Beautifully crafted objects bring about harmony and beauty to the room.